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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Goodbye Nebraska......Hello Kansas

This morning we checked out of the Pump and Pantry Motel (there are no Four Seasons in these little places) ! it turns out there are also no coffee shops. We went all day without our latte and americano. The countryside was similar to yesterday, corn field after corn field, with the occasional hay field. I found myself thinking on the unpleasant time and general indifference we had with locals in Nebraska and seeing all the corn made me wonder if it was GMO (probably) and concluded it had also modified their manners.
The unchanging scenery and lack of coffee had me falling asleep. This is ok, as I tend to wake up before disaster happens.
It was about noon when we crossed the state line into Kansas. The landscape gradually changed, there were oil rigs dip dip dipping, into the ground, still some corn but not as much. We passed through several tiny towns, in fact in one we did find a coffee shop which was closed. We have to keep reminding ourselves it is Sunday and this area is in the Bible Belt.
We are now doing laundry at one of the more deluxe Best Westerns in Hay Kansas.
Jeff would like to add that he cleaned my boots for me this morning! I'm doing his laundry so we are even.


  1. Watch out for those tornados! Sounds like a different place, and almost a different era!

  2. Good thinking on the GMO'd manners - another reason to stay organic!!
