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Monday, September 22, 2014

Still In Kansas looking for Dorothy

We decided to take a rest from riding and are staying in Hays a second night.
It is nice not to be packing up; to be sitting in a coffee shop enjoying lattes and americanos, we are a couple of (coffee) junkies!
A sushi restaurant was highly recommended for lunch and it did not disappoint. Jeff always likes to engage the servers, just to find out what makes them tick. He says to our waitress something about how he likes her tattoos. She has them covering one arm. This was a subject dear to her heart, she loved   to talk about them, she explained they were all Star Wars images from the "dark side"; and when the left arm  was complete she would get the right arm done with the "light side" (of Star Wars) I had no idea what the "sides" meant but Jeff apparently did. THe conversation continued with inquiries about the cost, which we found out was quite excessive. She told us she had tattoos all over....everywhere!  And that was lunch!
We took a drive a few miles outside town to the original location of Hays, which was Fort Hays. The historically restored fort was closed. I guess tourist season is over, so we walked around the site ourselves, read the plaques and peered in the windows at  the displays.  The soldiers wives requested a dance hall be built but the government declined to use military labour or resources for such purpose so the women requested a church.....which when finished they used as a dance hall! Clever!
I spent about an hour in a deserted mall while Jeff went to wash the bike. Back  at the hotel We both had a workout....yes me too!
Another recommend from locals was a brew pub, which we went to for dinner. We shared an entree as we quite often do.  The servings are so large it is ridiculous.
We thought of seeing a movie but nothing appealed, I am catching up on CNN and FOX while Jeff plans tomorrow's route, skirting any tornadoes, rain, wind or floods!
We are missing family, grandkids, friends, tennis, painting and sorority at home but still having a great adventure. I mean, how else would you ever visit some of these places unless you were on a road trip.

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