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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse

We had a short ride today, temperature is getting warmer. There is no need for heated jacket!
We had a lovely coffee at a gas station that was transformed into a coffee shop, very retro complete with  a Formica table and chrome chairs, and tons of 1950 style decor.
We made a quick stop at Mt Rushmore and continued on to Crazy Horse. It is very impressive what is being built without any funding from the USA government. The size is immense, much much larger than Rushmore.
We continued our ride into Custer State Park which had some incredible rock formations and tunnels blasted through the rock. There were constant warnings to be careful of animals and not to approach dangerous buffalo. Deer were abundant and we did see one buffalo up close as he scratched himself on a tree a mere 5 feet from the road! Not exactly comforting on a motorcycle!
The sun was disappearing fast and the chill in the air caused us to stop and don our jackets.  As usually  happens when we stop on the side of the road, within a few minutes a vehicle stops to see if we need help. Kind of restores your faith  in humanity ! It was the park ranger, who was so helpful in telling us what direction to take.
We arrived back at our hotel in Keystone and shortly thereafter went out to the saloon for drinks, dinner and entertainment.  It was karma that when we entered the establishment the band struck up with Luckenbach Texas!!!! It was a lively night, with Willie and Waylon and the boys, Kenny Rodgers, Johnny Cash and more! We got talking to a couple at the table next to us....they were from Wisconsin, other patrons were from Switzerland, Texas, Minnesota and I heard a German accent. Regardless of the ethnicity everyone enjoyed  the evening .
It was with slight trepidation we checked  the news to see what was happening in the UK. Today was the Scottish vote to see if they would gain their independence, it looks like they have voted to stay in the UK., I am so glad about this result.
And so ends another day on the road.


  1. Sounds like a great trip. One that I would like to do at some future date. Will have to follow you on a road atlas to see all these great places. Hope you are taking lots of photos. Try and get a couple on your blog mum!

  2. hope they played ON THE ROAD AGAIN, keep having fun....
