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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Random Thought I had today .....

When we are riding along there is not much for me to do but think about things 🎶🎶🎶 and today I was thinking about when I was in Nechako elementary school in Kitimat.
It was in either grade five or six, that the classes would have music together in the gymnasium. I can't remember the teachers name but can picture her in my mind. At the end of each music class she would play a piece on the piano for us students to identify.  If you knew the name of the music you were to raise your hand and the first person got an extra  mark or some such thing. I could NEVER put my hand up as I had no clue what the piece was. It puzzled and amazed me that several hands shot up quite quickly! I remember Jane Springer and Doug Unia being correct a few times! It bothered me but I had no idea how to "study" for this! Toward the end of the school year the teacher said next class we were to hand in our music books for marking and she would choose the best (neatest I think) book. Well here was something I could "win" at! I purchased a new scribbler and spent a few hours transcribing the years notes into the new scribbler. YES, I got best marks for my scribbler.  It wasn't till many many years later that I felt good about and understood why I wasn't able to identify the music pieces each week.
It was when my mum passed away. My old friend Jackie Mufford ❤️(Love her)! Sent a letter to me, my sister and brother and dad. In her letter she expressed her sorrow at mum passing and went on to say how she loved coming to our house where she learned so much about Scottish culture and MUSIC!  it donned on me, I didn't recognize Mozart and Bach and the like because the music I grew up with was Kenneth McKeller and such!  It took Jackies letter and all those years for me to understand.

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