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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A good Day but not a good start!

We sat outside drinking coffee at Mojoes in Cody Wyoming. We noticed further up the street, people walking were stopping to look Into the garden over a small white picket fence. Curiousity got the better of me and I wandered up to have a look. A large buck with a full set of antlers was the reason for the lookers. The lady of the house slowly came out to check her mailbox and I asked her if she was aware of the visitor .....she was and said she had opened the back gate for his escape and he would wander off after he had eaten all her flowers! Seemed it was a normal occurrence .
Soon we were packed up and ready to hit the road. The morning was pleasant, a relatively quiet road with fields of llamas , a few yaks, rural America suspended in an earlier time. One little farm had about a dozen big fat thanksgiving turkey's pecking in the yard, unsuspecting of their fate.
After about an hour I started to have an uneasy feeling......where did I put my phone? Yup, you guessed it, we checked all the bags and concluded it had been left behind......somewhere.  Now, I don't normally drink a lot of beer but just last night while kibitzing with the English couple I had actually consumed 4!!! Unusual  for me.  There was nothing for it but to reverse back to Cody where happily we recovered the phone at our hotel, The Moose Inn.
Since it was now lunch time we paid another visit to the Proud Cut Saloon. Can't get enough of that great beef!
The ride continued up and over the Big Horn mountain range, thanks were given to my heated jacket.
It was grizzly territory but we saw none, a healthy looking coyote or maybe wolf looked at us without fear, elk crossed the pale yellow meadow, deer and antelope skittered away when they heard the Harley approaching. We felt fortunate to be there witnessing nature in its glory.
We stopped in a pub called the Longhorn and split a sandwich......we are getting wiser to the large helpings american eateries serve! Next we took a detour of 6 miles to view the Devils Tower monument, where Close Encounters of the Third Kind was filmed. Crazily we counted 7 climbers on it! I don't know what makes those type of people tick!
It was getting chillier and turning to dusk as we approached Deadwood, South Dakota.....all because we had an unexpected 2 hours added to our day by a missing phone.
We will be checking those bed sheets thoroughly from now on!

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