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Friday, October 27, 2017

New Hampshire & Andrew Wyeth

Our hosts at the Spouter Inn in Lincolnville cooked us a 3 course breakfast this morning, which we had chosen from three options the night before. Jeff had eggs and crab cakes, I had a German puffed eggy thing....they said if I googled Dutch baby I would get a similar recipe. We both had homemade applesauce with cranberry swirl with shortbread pecan bites, lovely latte and coffees. Our hosts were very kind and accommodating.....especially with my multiple requests to fill my hot water bottle!
A very short way down the road was the town of Camden,  bit on the Tony side we were told and the homes were stately, well cared for, many inns and b&b’s. Interesting names, Blue Inn, Green Gables, The Droughty Bear, Snow Squall Inn, Schooner Inn, Ossipee!
Next up was the town of Rockport, which was more industrial......and a few miles further we came to
Rockland and the Farnsworth Museum.  Maine is the birthplace and home of Andrew Wyeth and the Farnsworth has a building dedicated to his works.  His most famous painting is “Christina” a painting of a young girl in the foreground of a field, with a house (hers) in the background. Christina was a neighbour who was handicapped, she could not walk......anyway he painted many of her family members  and their home. His medium was mainly watercolour.  BUT the painting is not at this gallery but in the MOMA in NYC!  There were many awesome paintings and drawings to enjoy. I will probably never be back in Rockland so was so glad we took the time to stop.
Back on the road again 🎶🎶 we were passing apple farms, a field full of turkeys....all of them Snow White., there must of been 200 of them, and a big sign....order your turkeys now!  Numerous towns, homes from another time, old fashioned screen doors or screened in porches complete with rocking chairs and porch swings. So many galleries, every town has several.
The leaves are rusty Brown now, ready to fall in the next wind.  New Hampshire is lovely.
We are in the town  of Concord for the night, a sizeable town. It was a great sunshiny day!

1 comment:

  1. Muriel, I'm enjoying your blog. I just finished listening to a book on CD that you might like to listen to or to read. It's called A Piece of the World, by Christine Becker Kline. It's a novel, but the protagonist is Christina Olsen, the woman from the farmhouse where Andrew Wyeth painted many of his paintings, including "Christina's World." I think you'd like it. Happy trails.
