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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rain, rain, go away!

It is Sunday today, my sister, Dorothy’s Birthday, and it’s raining in Pennsylvania!
We discovered that everything (almost) is closed in Amish country. What a let down. We check with our hotel and find that a few miles down the road in Paradise there is an antiques mall, so off we went.  It turned out to be a giant flea market,! Not to be daunted we entered shortly after opening, all of 4 customers in rows and rows of stalls. BUT all was not in vein, I was rewarded! I found a couple of Andrew Wyeth books, not the autobio I am looking for but nice nonetheless, I purchased one of the books......a treasure in my eyes.
We then continued on to Gettysburgh. We have so far driven 11,000 km from home. It continued to rain all day. We toured a bit of the civil war grounds, viewing monuments from the inside of the car, too wet to see much.
We pushed south toward Frederick Maryland and soon we were crossing into West Virginia and Harpers Ferry.  A further 22 miles down highway 30 we stopped for the night in Front Royal .......amusingly at a golf resort. Not wanting to brave the weather any longer we opted for dinner at the attached restaurant.
Praying for a dryer day tomorrow as we drive the Blue mountain parkway towards Lynchburg Tennessee.......a dry county where they make the worlds supply of Jack Daniels. Jeff is a squire and owns a square inch of the county, so we will visit his land! He will sit in the special Squire room and sip a JD.

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