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Saturday, October 28, 2017

10 Hour Drive New Hampshire/Vermont/New York/Pennsylvania

We started our day at Starbucks, the first in quite awhile.. New Hampshire this morning was foggy to begin, rural road, ponds like glass and rapid streams. Sunlight breaking through glorious foliage. Soon we left N.H.  for Vermont, much the same countryside, quaint names like Brattleboro, Bennington, and in one town Wellington, Dot’s Restaurant (RiP aunt Dot,) . 
There are frequent warnings to watch out for moose on the roads.  We also saw our first covered bridge! At about 11am we crossed the state line into upstate New York. We stopped at a little clapboard coffee shack. The old gal owner and her dad were inside the tiny place.......we ordered a latte and an americano.....she said, I only take cash. We said, hold on, while I check my wallet in the car. She told Jeff if we didn’t have the $ she would give us the coffee for free and next time we were by we could pay!  We laughed and said it would be a long time! She still said it would be gratis, but I discovered I had a $10 as well as a few $1’s. The darn US bills look the same. 
We were on the road again driving inland, colours were muted as most of the leaves are fallen now, but still beautiful areas to photograph.  We are constantly putting our destination into the GPS by voice command and are amazed at what ”she” understands and what she doesn’t! “She” had no problem with Schenectady but could not get Concord!  We have seen interesting road signs......NY state law says 3text violations you lose your licence. Many more Moose warning signs.  
I’m always amazed at the size of the graveyards, more dead people than the population in many cases, also some towns the headstones are lined up so precise and straight while others are scattered like thrown stones....not sure which I prefer, I like them all. 
In Pennsylvania we stopped  at an information  building after we crossed out of New York. We got a wealth of maps and info about the Amish area we want to visit.......Lancaster county. 
We are staying in a town called Intercourse.....which has a funny story about its name,  apparently the Amish wanted to change it but after trying unsuccessfully the name stuck.  As we approached our hotel we came up behind our first of  many horse drawn black carriages......three little children peering out the back window.....the boys wearing straw boater hats and the little girl in an old fashioned bonnet  ❤️.  I took a photo and then waved and one of the children waved back just a little. 
We settled into our hotel and inquired about where to get a beer.......not possible, Dry town! We could go 7 miles down the road to another town and have a beer and dinner.....which we did. 
Tomorrow we will explore the area before moving on.

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