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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Long day on the road

We left Paspebiac (how do you pronounce that anyway! Just after 9am......on our usual hunt for coffee which we did locate after about an hour on the road! We continued to enjoy the French countryside with its colourful and well kept homes....we particularly like the tiny ones making us think about space and just how much does one really need. They are not all tiny, some are large and all without exception have lovely green lawns and coordinating decor on their porches. Lots of Halloween decorations, some very elaborate, and many with lots of pumpkins. So many town that have no visible means of commerce causes us to wonder what do they do!!!! We speculate they are artists, potters, sculptors, writers, b&b hosts, restaurateurs.....all servicing the tourist industry.
Today we traveled around the Chaleur Bay, which goes around the bottom of the Gaspe peninsula.
The towns, New Carlisle, Caplin, New Richmond, Carlton sur Mer, Dalhousie, Point Verte, Beresford, Bathurst, Caraquet, Miramichi, Baei St Anne, Shediac and finally into Moncton New Brunswick. We checked into a best western and did a short walk to a nearby bar where we watched the Vancouver Ottawa hockey game while eating dinner.
Today was all about driving, tomorrow we will do some laundry and have a look around Moncton before leaving for Charlottetown PEI which is less than two hours away.
Nite nite all,
Murielle (still frenchified)
Ps.....congrats to our middle son, Travis who won two big awards in his profession today #veryproudmum

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