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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Digby to Cornwallis to St Andrews By The Sea

Our B&B in Digby is called Come From Away, our hosts explained the name.....if you are not from Nova Scotia, you Came From Away.  Interesting that I had just seen the musical by that name in NYC.  Our b&b hosts have their B&b up for sale, price $499, by our standards and it’s been for sale for 1-1/2 yrs!  It is a beautiful old Victoria house with 4 rooms inside the main house and 6 rooms out back right on the ocean. We stayed out back right on the ocean, chairs on the deck of our room. The sunrise this morning was like none we had ever seen, pillowy clouds lit by beautiful pinks of different hues.
We had breakfast in the main house and chatted to Joe who says when his house sells he is changing be an artist. It is a small world as we found out he once lived several years in Vernon BC.
We were off to Cornwallis to see Jeff’s childhood home in what was navy quarters, he lived on The Dingle.......we found the house and took a few photos, Jeff reminiscing to me things he remembered, pointing out his school and his friend Gary’s house.  We then drove towards Annapolis Royal, so picturesque, driving through falling leaves, they were as thick as falling snow, a two lane country road. We passed the Raven Hill Winery, The vines were covered with cloth that looked like cheesecloth, winter protection I think. A little side detour took us to the town of Wolfville, which is where Acadia University is, we had been through it 20 years ago and it still looks the same....very beautiful old homes, the uni walls covered in ivy.
Soon we were to say goodbye to Nova Scotia and enter New Brunswick. We arrived in St John in a blinding rainstorm, so wet there was no point in getting out for a walk around so we pushed on to St Andrews, high wind, lightening and rain to the Algonquin Resort. We have a suite with a view of the ocean, Bay of Fundy, alas we can’t see it for rain!  We have been extremely fortunate having good weather so can’t complain.
Dinner at the resort and hopefully a break in the weather to have a look around tomorrow before we leave for the USA state of Maine.

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