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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday, Trip to Louisbourg

Our breakfast this morning was enormous, fit for royalty and too much for me! Even still I almost ate it all......we didn’t need to eat again until dinner.
We drove out to Fort Louisbourg, the oldest Fort in North America. There were students in residence as it also serves as a music and navigation Center. Life at The Fort is re-enacted by actors in full period dress in season.......we were off season. There was still one fellow dressed in a guard outfit who gave a little talk about the early times, and answered any questions.  There is a fairly large sized chapel that we were able to visit, and a guard room, all the other parts of the Fort were closed.
After a little walk around in the cold wind we were back in the car driving on to the next sight.
The cementary is in a beautiful spot overlooking the ocean. Some may say ....what a waste of prime
 real estate, but I believe it is a peaceful resting place for ones who are gone. There were many family names, over and over we saw Popes, Leheys, McNeils, multi generational together again. Quite peaceful actually to see them together.
Further on down the road we drove to the lighthouse, built by the French and the first ever built in Canada, second in North America. There is also a 5km hike through the woods and by the sea we could have taken but due to the areas we wanted to get to Today and the wind, we didn’t hike. Very unpilgrim-Like I know!!
Back in the car again we drove over bumpy narrow roads mainly on the coast for what seemed like ages.....we passed by Loch Lomand, Big Pond where Rita McNeil has a tea house.....also closed for the season.  When you travel off season you run the risk of closures....but you also miss the crowds, and the traffic.....a fair trade in our book.
I had been admiring all the birch trees that we see, usually at the edges of roadways. I like to paint birch trees and wondered why and how these were so white looking.....more so than the ones at home.  Well today I saw a sign naming them silver birches! They look the same but are more white.
Today was all about covering ground plus it being Sunday it was pretty quiet.
Back at our residence, The School House, it being on School Street, we chilled out before heading out for dinner.....again at The Governors Pub.  We got there to discover Sunday night is “open mike” and also at 9pm they would be honouring Geord Dowie of Trajically Hip. Our kids think it’s sac religious......but we are not big fans!
We ordered some seafood chowder and calamari, which was served to us lukewarm......we apologized for complaining and they brought us fresh hot bowls.....yummy.
That was our day, a bit quieter than usual which was nice.....tomorrow we head towards Halifax and the Nova Scotia Art Gallery...... can’t wait! 👍🎨🤗

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