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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Maine, USA

We left the Algonquin Resort Hotel in blinding rain and fierce wind! We came through the pretty town of St Stephen then crossed the border into Maine. The border guard asked us a lot of questions.....were we retired, did we own a house in Arizona, how long will you be in the USA, what did you do when you worked, ....we actually got a smile when I answered the question about work when I replied sometime banker! Maine, what we can see through the rain is beautiful charming homes from another era right on the water. We can picture how busy they are in the summer. Down the main streets there is a lot of Halloween decor. We go through, Bucksport, Ellesmere, Belfast, many businesses and accommodations are closed for the season, usually we can find one store and sometimes a gas station. The rain has lightened us and we can see better.
We decided about 10days ago to subscribe to serusis (sp!) radio and have been listening to great music, talk shows and such. Today there was a discussion about Newfoundland and 911, one guy said.....38 planes  carrying 6,700 passengers landed that day! At one time the airport in Gander was the largest airport in North America.......this was because the planes of the day couldn’t carry enough fuel and many coming long distances had to stop to refuel. .....little bit of trivia.
At around 3pm we decided we had had enough driving for the day and we stopped in Lincolnville, a small town right on the sea and we found a b&b called The Spouter. There is another couple who are also staying..  we checked into our upstairs room, very charming, gave our hosts our breakfast choices and went off to find a beer at the one pub and restaurant that remains open.....The Whale’sTooth.
We had a beer and chatted to an old guy who was there by himself, from neighbouring Belfast, just a few miles down the road, he gave us quite a bit of information about the area.....particularly a museum/art gallery in the next town where there are some Andrew Wyeth paintings 👍🎨 and some kind of transportation Museum Jeff might like. We also looked in some of the fifty/artist shops along the front. Since the pub had the only restaurant open in town, back we went an hour or so later.  I had a delicious lamb shepherds pie and Jeff had seafood,chowder and Mac and cheese...declaring both to be the finest he had ever eaten!!!!
It was raining again when we walked the 100yds to our b&b. Before heading up to our room we sat in the living room and read a few of the publications on the immediate area.....some plans for tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Whale's Tooth... great name. What type of beer did you drink? Hopefully a local craft beer!
