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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Solo Scottish Trip April/May 2018

Today I left Vancouver and flew to Edinburgh. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿✈️
The flight was good, no bumps and I had an aisle seat in a row of four shared with only one other passenger.  The flight attendant asked me if I always got asked if I looked like a British actress!? I said no....which one? She said on the tip of her tongue and she’d get back to me! I guess I’ll never know because she never came back!
I landed in London and after a lot of walking to my next flight I was off on the short flight to Edinburgh.
Even though I was again in an aisle seat I got a glimpse of the red Firth of Forth rail bridge and the new rail bridge, as we came in for landing.  I was really here!  I had meticulously planned how I would get to my Airbnb from the airport but as meticulous plans go they sometimes fall apart. I couldn’t find where to get the bus following my directions it just wasn’t there. The tram was though, and I’m not shy to ask directions so soon I was on the tram (£6 from airport) and got off at Haymarket station.  I went into the station as I couldn’t see the road I was looking for. By this time the info booth was closed so I asked at a coffee kiosk right beside it. The bloke got a funny look on his face and then said do you spell that? Dalry is pronounced Dal-rye and I was saying Dal-ree. I was soon on my way, a 10minute walk to my Airbnb. I remembered I was to ring the trade bell but not the rest of the instructions (can’t tell you what they where as Then they’d have to change the instructions and they really are good) . I wondered how long I’d have to wait? I walked around the building , and a fellow sitting in his car looked at a lost soul dragging a suitcase and got out to help me. He offered to phone Ollie ( my host) and I got the rest of the instructions which I suddenly remembered.....jet lag is my excuse. All was well and I was soon in my lodging. I have the whole flat to myself, it is really nice, comfy and has everything, full kitchen, beautiful new bathroom in my favourite colour....white! Complete with heated towel rack. I find they are pretty standard in British homes.  I unpacked a little and sat on the bed looking out to a balcony with sooner had I sat down than the squirrel parade started! Seemed like at least 5 were racing back and forth across the railing, and then one caught another and a bit of mating went on. I posted a photo on Instagram, I haven’t mastered photos on my blog yet!
I rested up till Ollie, my host arrived home from work then with another look at maps I ventured out to walk to Princess Street.  It seemed like a long way but I did make it, took a few pictures of the castle in early evening light, and the beautiful old graveyard by the church. Ollie was telling me the Royal Infirmary Hospital (where I was born many moons ago) has been turned into luxury flats! The hospital was beside the aforementioned graveyard.....close proximity for medical students back in the day to rob the graves for cadavers!
I went into a book store that was prominently showcasing The author  Muriel Stark, the 100th anniversary of her life. She wrote 22 novels, I was only aware of one that Art Topham gave me as a gift years ago. I’m going to research the stories and pick one to buy.
I hadn’t had dinner yet, stopped for a coffee at Starbucks and decided to get take out from Sainsburys.
All the restaurants looked very full and it would be dark before I would get home. I got some soup, lovely cheese, a bun, a small bottle of wine and of course some chocolates.....oh and bandaids! Yes I have a blister, that’s what I get for buying new shoes for a holiday. The rain was starting to spit as I got close to the flat.
Tomorrow I will do some exploring, a small hike and meet about 10 of my cousins for dinner.
Ta ta and Cherrio the noo! Lassies and lads,
Mur xx


  1. say hi to your cousins ( my unknown ones HAHA)

  2. What an exciting adventure you’re on. Solo - wow good for you. I’ll follow you along on this fantastic holiday.

  3. Jealous - wish I was with you!! xo
