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Friday, April 27, 2018

My last full day in Edinburgh April 27/18

I slept late this morning, so I would say I’m on Scottish time!
I finally left the flat at 9:30, decided I wasn’t going to try to overdo it. I’m feeling badly I didn’t get to Broxburn to see cousin Andrew. The fact that he would not remember me ( he is in a care home with a diminished memory) doesn’t make me feel much better.
I had a list of places to see today and pretty much accomplished the list.  I walked everywhere, and my feet know it!
First I went to the Grassmarket  area, where Travis and Sian used to live, just off Kings Stable Rd, at the back of the castle.  I had to take a photo of that. The Grassmarket area was mobbed with tourists, I can’t imagine what it will be like in the summer months. I walked up towards Victoria street, lots of quaint shops and restaurants, then along Forest Road. The Royal Mile was thick with people which put me off walking along it. I made my way back to the other side of Edinburgh Castle and descended into Princess Street Gardens.....somewhat more  peaceful there, less people. It actually reminded me of when we lived in Victoria, BC and I used to walk to work along the waterfront past the Empress Hotel, having to weave my way through throngs of tourists! Grrr.
I was once again on Princess Street and as it was about 1:30 I went into M&S for lunch, and to give my feet a rest.  I next stopped in Waterstones book store to pick up a Muriel Spark novel. A multi level store with  a cafe on the top level, worth a visit.  Making my way further along, I turned down Queensferry Road towards Dean  Village.  It is quite a hike down and of course back up! It is every bit as picturesque as it is billed to be. A beautiful river with several old bridges crossing it, lush trees and flowers with gorgeous old buildings in great repair. What an oasis! A photographers dream. I was very glad I included it in my day. Back up in the melee of traffic I walked along Lothian Road to Morrison Street where I stopped at a Sainsburys for chocolate and some fruit for the morning.
It’s my first time staying in an Airbnb and it won’t be my last. When staying for any length of time to be able to make a cup of tea, or  have a bowl of cereal without having to always go to a restaurant for every meal makes such a difference.
I was out and about today for 7 hours! Back at Ollies place I was too tired to go out for dinner and made do with tea and a scone.  I popped out to a store down the street before dark  and found the magazine I had been looking for with the article on artist Julie Dumbarton.
My host Ollie has been out all the evenings except tonight he has his twin boys staying with him.....they went out to play golf but are back, he invited me to have a beer with them but I politely (i hope ) declined, preferring to write my blog and prepare to move on tomorrow. I plan to catch a train to Glasgow around 11:30.
On to exploring more of Scotland!

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