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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Dumfermline.....last stop Scotland

This morning I took a taxi to the Queen street station in Glasgow for the trip to Dumfermline. I purchased my ticket and 10 minutes later was on my way to Haymarket where I changed trains, so far .....all well. It wouldn't be normal if there wasn’t a snag! I pressed the button on the platform to speak to an agent as the overhead electronic readout did not show a stop for Dumfermline Queen Margaret! I watched it run around three times to make sure I hadn’t missed it.  I decided to get on anyway.  While on the train I phoned Mike and Helen to tell them the above......ten minutes later the ticket checker comes by and I explain all of the above to him......right, this train DOES stop at Queen Margaret. It’s too late I think to call Mike and say I can get to Q Margaret. The train goes over the iconic red Firth of Forth bridge, first that I can remember. You can see a little plot of houses below on the Fife side.
Back at the cousins I’m greeted very warmly by Helen.( she looks like me as well! ) after putting my stuff in my room we sit out in the garden ( more great Scottish weather) we chat like we’ve been friends for years. Mike disappears inside to make lunch, we ar3 called in to eat as it is actually too hot to sit outside. The lunch, sandwiches, warm sausage rolls, coffee and biscuits was delicious! More chatting and we leave for a car ride to Queensferry where Helenwas raised. It’s not far, just over the new Firth bridge. The old street of Queensferry runs along the shore of the river basically under the iconic Firth of Forth. It was very busy with foot traffic as it is a major tourist attraction, and it’s a sunny Sunday. We are joined by Craig (Helen and Mikes son) and his partner Allan. We walk the whole length of the riverfront and bump into cousin Allan’s daughter who is just leaving his place. We decide to ring him up and out he comes to sit and chat a wee bit ( he is not feeling great so we don’t stay long). I had had a good visit with him at the earlier cousin dinner. He is so like his dad, my uncle George, my dad’s brother.  I still have to pinch myself, relatives pop up everywhere! I have a hard time keeping them all straight.
We go to a pub one block up from the high street for supper. Back at Helen and Mikes we relax and continue yakking. Later on we have a bit to eat, a cup of tea and end the evening.
Amazing holiday !

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Muriel. Sitting here in YVR awaiting my flight to the UK, catching up on your Blog. Your descriptive writing is to be commended, a joy to read. You must have enjoyed a trip of a lifetime. Well done. We’ll catch up somewhere in the future, Martin.
