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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day Two continued............

On returning from the museums this afternoon we all went to our rooms for a short rest or met in one room for wine, pate, cheese and heavenly french should only eat white bread when near a bakery in France!!!!! Sandy, Judy, Joan, Marion and myself chose to partake in the aforementioned while Joanie and Jan had a nap in their room. The front desk had a Mixup and they resold jan and Joanie's room, which resulted in a rude awakening for them when a strange man entered their room! Who was more shocked.....them or him!!!!!

Our dinner reservation at Trumilou, I had arranged for 8:30.  Our friendly receptionist fellow gave us a map and  walking directions and we were off!
Darkness and cold met us right out of the gate!  We are getting quite good at finding our way around and within 10 minutes we had arrived. Our waiter greeted us, Bonjour Madames, and showed us to our table. The restaurant was quite full and soon would fill up the Internet recommendations were good! We took it as a good sign that the menu Was entirely in French! There were only two items we could not figure out.
Wine and food were ordered and we were happily discussing our day and Art, of course! Soon the selfie stick came out and hilarity ensued!!!!!!!!
It was after 11pm when we left the restaurant for the walk home. On arrival we all met in Joanie and Jans room for wine and Jim jabs, supplied by Joan., odd combo!
Lively Conversation flows, on many subjects, we never seem to run out of topics......which shall remain nameless! At about 1am we packed it in for the night and all retired to our rooms......nine am we will meet and do it all over again, at the orangerie and the Louvre, another full day.

Nite ️xo

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