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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Arrived in Paris .....Jan 21st

The adventure begins, two of the girls, Marion and Joan arrived in Paris via the Chunnel from London a few hours before the rest of us; Joanie, Jan, Judy, Sandy and me arrived from London via CDG. It was at rush hour but we managed to get a cab big enough for the 5 of us.
Of course as we feared we were missing luggage for Joanie , Sandy and myself .
The cab ride was tame by standards anywhere, although one wonders how many motorcycle fatalities there are in a day !  Absolutely crazy driving between cars and zipping in and out of the traffic. Our cab fare was 70 Euros including tip, very fair.
Our rooms at the Hotel Castex on rue castex are teeny tiny with little beds taking up most of the room. This I have found to be common in Europe for 3stars. The bathroom is pristine and we have a couple of toothbrushes to tide us over until our bags arrive.
We meet in one of the rooms for a bottle of Prosecco and cheers, selfie pictures and chatter. The hotel recommended a bistro down the street for dinner so we walked out. The streets are quiet, people are going about their business as usual.  When we arrived off the plane in Paris we were met by 3police who were checking passports, then we saw four guys in army fatigues carrying very heavy looking guns. Other that those incidents things are calm.......tomorrow we will cross the Seine and visit the Musee d'Orsay, Rodin and possibly the Cluny.
We are now in for the night, midnight and still no luggage!
Bon Nuit!

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