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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Last to speak!

After 8,700 km and 29 days we are officially home! .( motorcycle speedometer is in km) .
Our last day was a short 180 miles. It felt a lot longer as I was anxious to get home.   It is good to have space to spread out larger than a hotel room, and to enjoy a greater variety of clothing!
We left ShoLow early as we had now changed two time zones coming west. The elevation is about 6,000 ft so it was chilly early on. Looking at the landscape you would think you were in northern British Columbia,  the forest is thick on both sides of the road. The trees gradually gave way to the cacti vegetation one associates with the desert, and the temperature began to rise.

It was an amazing ride, we saw parts of the USA one could only see by road, met some wonderful people,  AND .... Jeff and I are still speaking!!!!

I want to thank family and friends who have been reading this blog, it is much easier to write when you know you have readers.
I've enjoyed writing the blog, and it gives me a permanent record of our travels.
I will continue to blog random thoughts from time to time and any further trips we take, or trips I take with the pilgrim girls ( .

Sayonara, adios, cheerio, and goodbye...........till the next time. 👍❤️
Love Muriel (pilgrim3)

1 comment:

  1. U"r home ~ great but U may be confusing some ~ tell them U"r at Ur winter home not Vanc. glad U had a good trip, We leave tomorrow -- packing up right now ~ I may start a blog or just FB
