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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

More fun in Luckenback ! October 1st 2014

We walked to the Java Ranch this morning, on Main Street, Fredricksburg Texas. Jeff started chatting to 4 bikers that were having breakfast at a table near us. (It is usually easy to spot bikers as they often have "Harley" gear on.) they were from  Baton Rouge Louisiana. They had trailered their bikes to Fredricksburg and planned day trips in the area. A lot of bikers do this in order to maximize their time exploring areas far away from home when they have limited time. We told them we had thought of driving to New Orleans a few days ago but decided against it......what did they think of riding into New Orleans on a bike? As we suspected.....not a good  idea, we will save that for flying or driving a vehicle.
This is the neatest town. It has the best museum we have ever visited. It is so extensive your ticket  is good for 48 takes that long to view all the exhibits. It showcases world war 2 in the Pacific. General Nimitz was born in Fredricksburg  and the museum is located on the spot where the house he lived in as a boy stands.
The Main Street has many art galleries and a variety of shops; the shops are not the usual tourist fare but interesting ladies shops, home stores, restaurants, bars and such. When we were here in 2010 I bought my cowboy hat here.
The locals tell us it is busy all the time with events, being located so close to Austin it is a great weekend getaway. The hiking appeals as well, but I would have to be here in one of the cooler months....if there is such a time. Research required!
The big draw here for us is Luckenback.......the friendliest little town in Texas with the best music in the "pickers circle" any day of the week with dances in the barn on weekends!
I contacted our friend Walt Perryman, also known as the Luckenback Poet. We met Walt 4 years ago on our first visit, he was so friendly and we have remained in touch. We arranged to meet him at Luckenback later in the afternoon. It was good to see our old friend, he is looking better than ever now that he has the lovely Laura in his life. Walt stood up by the pickers circle and recited a couple of his poems for us.....a very special guy.  We sat on the benches, sipping beer and listening to the cowgirls and cowboys singing and the guitar pickers.  We left to head the 9 miles back into town for dinner. Luckenback snack shack only serves burgers on weekends.
Just to give you an idea of the food on the menus is a sample:

Country fried steak fried to crunchy perfection smothered in our homemade bacon black pepper cream gravy with mashed potatoes and sautéed corn !!!!

That is copied straight from the menu of the restaurant we were at tonight......I had catfish, Jeff had pasta.  Gravy is served at most meals, with biscuits in the morning and with everything else at dinner.
You will understand I have had a lot of BLT's, I know what to expect.

We went back to Luckenback about 7:30 for an hour. The road there is a country road through farms and big ranch style homes, we scattered about 8 or 9 small deer who were munching at the side of the grassy verge......quick as a wink they were over the farm fence.  It was just dusk when we have to be watchful of animals.....a good reason we don't often ride at night.
Another memorable day of the simple things in life.


  1. So good to meet you both at Java Ranch in Fredricksburg TX. We enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to your daily entries as you head to Cave Creek AZ (one of our favorite places, by the way) and on home to Vancouver. May God watch over and protect you on your journey <><
    Jan & Joey Easley / Laurie & Andy (the movie star) Pierce / Baton Rouge LA

  2. Painters sending a quick hello to you. Just read your blog....sounds like you are having a blast but we miss you.

  3. hi mur
    missing you at painting, judy has us almost signed up for our own show next june! we said yes omg. you kids drive safe and have to much fun. Joanie

  4. get back and start painting.we get to choose our topic. ideas are ten shades of grapes,beautiful bc, weather, nude men ,fifty shades of nude or moods swings. what do you prefer?
    love P2

  5. we are sitting here drinking chocolate wine and discussing the name of the show that we will be having in July 2015. Just think, 10 painters with their own private show!! I know you will be up for it. :-) oops, now we're talking about does that fit in??? hope you are having fun, take lots of photos to bring back....hugs Marion

  6. We certainly miss you! We have a small group today, just 5 of us. You can probably tell we are having a break during dinner ... now getting into the wine! Judy read out your blog to all of us which was fun. Sounds like you are having a great trip. Hi to Jeff. Hugs, Jan
