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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Last day in Dingle Sept 24/23

 This morning we went downstairs for breakfast. As per usual we had ordered off the menu the night before. As well as our order there were freshly baked scones and homemade jam, fresh orange juice and delicious coffee. After breakfast Joanie and Sandy booked a tour of a nearby gin facility.  Jan and myself declined and had a leisurely time at the guesthouse. The house is called the Coastline and it is right across the street from the Atlantic ocean.. …….looking out we could see whitecaps and a pretty ferocious wind, along with it rain! 

Our hiking package includes a packed lunch each day, it always seems to be the same…..a ham and cheese sandwich, a bottle of water and a granola bar of some variety.  When Joanie and Sandy returned (after sampling several different gins, we prepared to head into town.  We thought we’d look into a few shops before finding a pub.  We heard there were some that might have music during the day.  

The shops were mainly of the tourist variety, well made Irish linens, sweaters, key chains, coasters, scarves as well as lots of books. Books for children, books for birders, books of Irish literary note. 

We went to O’Flaherty’s Pub for our first Guinness and played a game of farkle.  We popped into another pub and ran into our Dublin friends Michael and Jackie.  The tv’s were on in all the pubs for rugby World Cup.  Ireland was playing South Africa at 8pm…..this would definitely be interrupting the music scene.

We soon found ourselves at the Dingle again and two musicians were playing, a fiddle and a guitar.  It was now dinner time.  Our waiter was the famous dancer from the night before.  He says he doesn’t dance on Saturday as it’s his day off…..spent working in his fathers pub…..the Dingle.  There doesn’t appear to be much else to do except go to the pubs! The next one called An Droighead Beag……don’t ask how to pronounce it!  We watched the rugby game here…..Ireland won.  We stayed here till 11:15.  A new drink, for us, a baby Guinness…..served in a shot glass is a pour of kahalua with baileys.   Quite tasty. 

We walked home to our guesthouse….the last guests in for the night. Back to hiking in the morning. We hope to leave early as the weather will deteriorate as the day goes on. 

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