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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sardinian Life continues.....

After a nice afternoon at the beach we had a bbq at the house.....steak and roast veggies and copious amounts of vino. (Saturday)
Today is Sunday and most establishments are closed. Sunday is family day for the Italians, they go out for a big lunch, spending several hours feasting.
We decide we would have a drive around to various beaches and some of the small hillside towns, which tend to be more of the old style Italian villages. The beaches are beauty to behold, I can't express in words the blue colours that they are.
We had met a guy in the super mercado who tried to direct us to a gem of a beach he had found on his sailboat.......down a dirt road etc. We never did find it but had fun trying.
We decided to go to a little village in the hills called San Pantaleo......our destination restaurant was closed but the hotel called another and got us a reservation. This is/was very important because if you have ever tried to have lunch on a Sunday in Italy you will know you can not just walk in off the street. The restaurant was full and they put up a special table for us in the adjoining room. We could look out to the little back courtyard where a chef was roasting two pigs on a spit....poor things were only 8 months old!!! Check out the web site
My choice was a calamari, gazpacho, quinoa salad. Joanie and Graeme each had tempura monkfish with eggplant, Jeff had a salad of beets, quinoa and a lovely local cheese with nuts and a lemony sauce. Plenty of delicious bread with olive oil.
There was a small church in the village which was open. This town had many art ateliers and galleries, alas all were closed.........for the Sunday lunch period!
Home again we spent a little time at the Beach reading books, while Joanie and Graeme went into Olbia to get the hamburger condiments for our dinner.
Another great day relaxing and touring, and our evening will be full of stimulating conversation and laughs as good friends can!

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