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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Discovery lodge day 3

(I'm home now and see I have missed a couple of days blogging ) it could be I got mixed up because we had no wifi, the dates of our days are not in the correct order.
SO..,,,, day three we were up at our usual time for breakfast, made by Jen....Mexican eggs and corn bread, coffee and juice. 
We were soon dressed for kayaking and headed out.  Joanie had opted to chill out and not paddle today so the four of us were in two kayaks. We went in the opposite direction from our previous days and the plan was to hug the shore and peer down to see what we could see! Water was calm with no breeze, paddling was easy as we were on the outgoing tide. We saw some  kingfishers who were telling us to get lost, dipping and diving all around us on the high overhead cliffs. Arbutus trees hanging overhead and out over the water are so beautiful. A few starfish could be seen at the waterline, there would be more on our return. Seals would silently slip into the water when we approached.  We were watching the clock and the direction of the flow of the kelp as it is a sign the tide has turned. Wind was picking up and we turned our boats around to head back to the lodge.
It was a speedy sail with the wind and current both assisting us from behind, much more enjoyable than the fighting of both on our previous days. 
At lunch we discussed afternoon hiking plans. We wanted to see surge narrows at its peak! The hike through the forest was on a well travelled trail, lots of ups and downs! Through fern fields and tall cedars, gorgeous shades of green mosses were pillows of softness under our feet. We arrived at the narrows and sat up high above them to watch the "surge" at its peak! Wow, spectacular and wild! And to think we had passed through them yesterday at slack. The importance of timing! 
We met a young couple from Germany there who we asked to take a group photo, which they did. They were on a six month Canadian holiday, couch surfing, and hosteling. 
For awhile we were watching something large diving and surfacing across the narrows.....thinking it was either dolphin or whale, but in the end we all decided it was a sea lion.  We hiked back to the lodge for some prosecco and wine and chat with the other guests while I started the dinner prep.  I was making tuna melt Mac n cheese. The girls loved it, we had enough for our guide Jen as well. 
The cards were out again and the tea was made. Soon we were the last ones remaining and we retired  also. Happy paddlers we!

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