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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day trip to Tivoli

We awoke this morning to a forecast of heavy rain! Not what we expected in Rome but you take what you get!
We decided to do another day trip outside of Rome. Credit must go to Sandy and Joanie as they very diligently research where to go and what will be interesting to see.  It is decided we will go to Tivoli which is a 35 minute train ride away. This involves a taxi ride to the metro station near the coliseum, then a metro ride to the train station. This is a different train line then we took yesterday.  Two of the trainmen were chatting to us, they knew no English and our Italian was only very slightly better. The train was direct and we arrived after a pleasant ride through agriculture, olive trees, farms, and field of horses, cows and sheep, a refreshing change from Vespas, motorbikes, smart cars and all manner of trucks and buses.
Our focus was to visit the Villa d'Este and we found some signs with arrows pointing the way.  We walked toward the Centro of Tivoli and I asked a local passing by  if we were heading in the right direction....she responded with her arm pointing straight up...up...up. The narrow streets took us through the town. Up as far as we could go we found another directional arrow...which led us past the finest italian leather bags! They seem to be everywhere. One more gift was purchased and a few more we said we would think about after we toured the Villa.
The Villa itself was large with many rooms, what was spectacular was the gardens. The house sits on a hill overlooking the town, and countryside for miles. The gardens are designed in a formal way, with many large planters, sculptures, and fountains everywhere.  Large pools of water, many hedges, cypress trees, waterfalls, grottoes, cobbled walkways. We were told that One of the largest fountains played music in the afternoon at 2:30.  We were not sure exactly where the location would be and when we heard the music start we hurried up the garden toward it.....arriving just as it ceased!
Back inside the house we discovered an art room.  The artist Virginia Tomescu Scrocco's paintings covered the walls. She was inspired by the broken brushwork of Divisionism that she absorbed
during her youth in France. Her work is described as being enveloped in light. She lived in her beloved Tivoli until the war when she moved to Rome where she died in 1950.
It is hard to describe the beauty of the gardens, I recommend two things.......Google Villa D'Este and if you are visiting Rome it is definitely a day trip to remember.
We were making our way back down through the town and stopped at a cafe for a pastry and coffee in lieu of lunch. The cafe was quiet and the gregarious server was friendly, he made our lattes with chocolate coating the glass before he added the coffee....yum !  As we were leaving a couple came in and the server told him we were from Canada, this new guy went crazy.....English is my passion!!!!! His girlfriend was nodding and smiling, saying is his passion!!!! Quite funny!
Back to the train station, this time we were on the 4oclock which stopped everywhere on the way to Rome.
It was dark when we arrived and on the way home we walked the length of Circo Massimo, which is the area where in ancient times chariot races and other social events took place.  We are certainly taking in all historic sites in Rome.
We were glad to escape the rain for a little while, then it was back out to a nearby restaurant, the Frachetti.  Joanie pronounced it her best meal in Italy.
Tomorrow the sun may make an appearance for a short period. We are planning to revisit the Vatican, as the Pope is in residence and speaks to the people on  Wednesdays  at 10:30 am.  We expect there will be big crowds and although tickets are free to hear him speak you must apply for a ticket in advance......we will try our luck.
Going to sleep to the sound of rain. .....ciao!

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